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PRIVACY POLICY arts. 13 and 14 of the GDPR – E.U. Regulation no. 679/16

FAD ASSALI S.P.A., in its capacity as autonomous Data Controller, informs you, in your position as data subject, that:

the personal details that are inserted and memorized on the website have, with respect to this page, the following purposes:

  • management of commercial product information supply;

said data are processed by our assigned employees (persons tasked by FAD ASSALI S.P.A. with processing operations ) and stored electronically on a dedicated web server, subsequently printed and filed in paper form; said data is subject to processing exclusively for the indicated purposes; no other form of communication and dissemination is permitted.

With relation to the aforementioned processing operations, the rights as per arts. 15, 16, 17, 18 e 19 of the GDPR – EU Regulation no. 679/16 (right of Access, Modification, Cancellation, Limitation of the processing and Notification in cases of Modification/Cancellation/Limitation on the part of the Data Controller) may be exercised. Requests for the exercise of the rights should be forwarded to FAD ASSALI S.P.A. to the company address.

Per complete informazioni sulle policy privacy di questo sito accedere al disclaimer privacy dal link in home page “Privacy Policy”.


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