ISO 14001 Certification
ISO 14001 certification recognizes the seriousness of our commitment in respecting the environment. In detail, the water-based paint gave the Environment some benefits as the reduction of polluted materials and waste (eg, paint rests) ensuring a healthy working environment. Always respecting the environment – it’s now a consolidated tradition the division of waste, sorted by origin. The ground and water are protected using special containers to store the different materials. FAD also developed a self system for collecting storm water, separating that from the one used in the production and leading it into the public pipes.
ISO 45001 Certification
“Health and Safety at Work” Certification. Health and safety at work are “conditions and factors that affect or may affect the health and safety of employees or other workers, visitors and any other person in the “working environment”. This certification is an organizational tool that allows you to manage in an organic and systematic safety of workers without disrupting the company’s organizational structure.